UncategorizedBTM Business Tourism Market Forum 2023, Startups and Sustainability

BTM Business Tourism Market Forum 2023, Startups and Sustainability

On October 26, the annual debate forum on the tourism industry promoted by the Guitart Foundation and the EFE News Agency returns, focusing on responsible tourism, sustainable hospitality, Big Data, and innovation as tools for achieving the common good.

This year, it also introduces a new award for startups and sustainability, which will provide concrete examples and success stories of new startups that not only seek profitability but also address the global challenges of the sector through creative solutions.

The event will feature the participation of Cristina Cabañas, President of the Climent Guitart Foundation; Leandro Lamor, General Delegate in Catalonia of the EFE Agency; Marta Domènech, General Director of Tourism of the Generalitat of Catalonia; and Miguel Sanz, General Director of Turespaña.

Circular Economy, Responsible and Sustainable Tourism

Dr. Mar Isla, Economist and co-author of the study “Circular Spain,” will present a lecture on the Circular Economy applied to Tourism, which proposes studying new business opportunities, economic savings, and their integration into the value chain.

Marta Domènech will present her lecture on the new Catalonia Tourism Law, which seeks to achieve a sustainable tourism model that considers all economic, social, and environmental aspects, and promotes destationalization, spending, deconcentration, and diversification of the tourist offer. Also participating in the lecture are Dr. Jose Antonio Donaire, Professor at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Girona and researcher at the Tourism Research Institute (INSETUR), and Pili Malagarriga, Co-founder and Director of Segundo Mundo RSCC.

Arturo Llarena, Director of Environmental and Science Information at EFE News and EFE Verde, will moderate the panel on sustainable hospitality, featuring Santiago Hernández, General Director of Hotel Negresco Princess and Barcelona Princess; and Gerard Bofill, Owner and Director of Can Buch.

Dr. Montse Folch, medical nutritionist at Teknon Medical Center and member of the board of the Catalan Academy of Gastronomy and Nutrition, along with Ada Parellada, chef, communicator, and activist against food waste, will present a discussion on the Catalan law for the prevention of food loss and waste.


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