UncategorizedVIII National Congress of Tourism and Social Media in Marbella.

VIII National Congress of Tourism and Social Media in Marbella.

On May 17 in Marbella, Toni Mascaró will present the talk “Keys to Creating a WOW Digital Product”

Coordinated by AEDH and the Marbella City Council, this event offers an unparalleled opportunity to gain insights into the latest trends in tourism and digital platforms.

The conference brings together over 20 specialists in the hotel industry, featuring debates, practical sessions, and, notably, numerous networking opportunities. It’s the perfect moment to connect with other tourism and digital promotion enthusiasts.


– 09:00 Registration

– 09:15 Opening and Welcome by Ángeles Muñoz, Mayor of Marbella, and Manuel Vegas, President of AEDH.

– 09:30 Mini Talk by Alfredo Vela, Top 100 Forbes Influencers, trainer, and consultant specialized in technology and communication: “The Present and Future Importance of Digital Skills for Tourism Professionals.”

– 09:50 Connection with Jimmy Pons, innovation maker, mindful life activist, and expert in tourism marketing, to talk about “The Marketing of the Future.”

– 10:10 Round Table: “Influencers: Real Influence and Profitability?” with Mónica Villar, Giuseppe Messina, and other guests.

– 10:50 Breakfast & Active Networking. You can win an AI Course Applied to Hospitality and Tourism from CART, the High Performance Tourism Center (from AEDH).

– 11:30 Round Table sponsored by AMMA Consulting and Bequest: “Latest Trends in Social Media Applied to Tourism,” with Pepe Montoro from Smartweb; Rafa Martínez from Imagen Social; Raquel Gómez Sart, Marketing Manager at Hydronik; and other guests.

– 12:10 Round Table sponsored by AEDH: “Social Media and Tourism, from a Female Perspective,” with Eva Ballarín, trainer and strategic consultant; Noelia Castillo Calahorro, Director of Hotel Don Pepe Gran Meliá; and other guests.

– 12:50 Round Table: “The Future of Communication in Tourism,” moderated by Fernando Valmaseda, CEO of Grupo RV Edipress; with Laura De Arce Sánchez de la Poza, General Director of Tourism of Marbella; Eduardo Jarén, CEO of AMMA Consulting; Mario Caira, communication and public speaking consultant; and other guests.

– 13:30 Mini Talk by Toni Mascaró, CEO of eMascaró Leisure: “Keys to Creating a WOW Digital Product.”

– 13:50 AEDH Experience Draw among attendees. You can win a two-night stay, half board, in a hotel in Italy, courtesy of Blastness.

– 14:10 Congress Closing with Javier Hernández Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of AEHCOS.

– 14:30 [Optional] Charity Lunch with speakers at Hotel Don Pepe Gran Meliá. Proceeds from the lunch dedicated to social causes.

The event is supported and sponsored by the Hotel Technology Institute (ITH), eMascaró Leisure, Amma Consulting, Blastness, King’s Buffets, Foro #AEDHVenus, Tanit Ibiza Conexion, High Performance Tourism Center, and AEHCOS.

Register HERE and see you there!

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